A friend recently asked me to make her a dress. She didn't want anything fancy, just something comfortable to wear to a gathering, and it would help if it was in the color rust; simple enough, except that I hadn't wrapped my head around sewing for someone other than my daughters or myself and of course the occasional bow tie here and there. But in hindsight, I had made costumes for several people, people other than my girls.. (some of them men) so what was the problem? I soon realized that every piece I had made was either donated or stood in the family.. so I wasn't sure how or what to charge someone who wanted to buy a dress. That being said, I search the internet, and read several articles, blogs and visited handmade shops to find a guide. I knew several things had to be taken into consideration, like my time and the cost of fabric and supplies. I eventually summed everything up and came up with a number, one which I'm comfortable with. One that is not based on feelings but in honesty.
Friday, December 19, 2014
Monday, December 8, 2014
No. 3
I had done two bow ties for my Son, but it seemed that every so often I'd find him looking through my stash of fabric for his next one. He'd always ask me, "When can you make me another one?" Which in turn, I'd reply "Soon." Fortunately for him, soon came during our latest trip to Mood Fabric where I found this amazing cotton print.

A city girls' view of Macy's Herald Square
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
Cleaning out the closet, or should I rephrase and say, switching out the summer clothes and putting up the winter warmers, I found this little number. I totally forgot about it! See, thats why I enjoy my blog, I get to document my pieces, keep a record for lack of better terms. I whipped it up in a few hours using M6700. A pretty simple pattern I plan to do again. Maybe this time, I can remember to photograph myself in the dress. One thing about me, I don't like the winter! Not anymore, anyway. Born and raised in NYC, (Go Nets!) I've spent many winters bundling up, so much so that the thought of being cold keeps me indoors. So Ill try my best to remember that for the sake of the blog, I need to take better pics maybe even indoors, at an event...humm, now theres a thought!
Thursday, November 27, 2014
For me
By now I have done several costumes, a few bow ties, dresses for my girls and alteration for everyone it seemed. So upon finding this Cheveron print jersey, I knew one thing - this would be used for me. I also knew that it was going to be long.. like, hem on the ankles long... and so I started. Using pattern NL6123 view A as a guide, I added 18" to the length and drafted the skirt to flare. I love the way it turned out, it has become a instant favorite.
Monday, November 24, 2014
New York, pt.2
While at Mood, my other darling daughter (I have two ;-) chose a nice teal colored fabric. To know this girl, is to know that she would pick the color teal since teal plays a major role in the life. Hence her room, clothes, and makeup pallet consist of the green family, or is it the blue family.. huh...
Sunday, November 23, 2014
New York
Being a native new yorker has its benefits.. One being the City itself. Its so easy to hop on the train and head to the city that never sleeps, the concrete jungle... the garment district... AHHH.... and within the city, one of my favorites.. Mood Fabrics. With patterns in hand, that's exactly where my daughters and I headed to find some fabric for their desired dresses. My oldest wanted a simple maxi, but she chose a print a little on the strange side making matching the side seams somewhat difficult.
I used McCalls 6744, viewA, and added 12"to the length of the skirt.
I used McCalls 6744, viewA, and added 12"to the length of the skirt.
Thursday, September 11, 2014
My Son's Request
This past winter went something like this.. "Snow storm to plummet NYC once again". That was the headline, week after week. Next topic, "Fighting the winter blues".. go figure. Snow storm after snow storm meant little time for anything other than shoveling. During and after it fell, shoveling the sidewalk was the topic of the day at my house. And if that wasn't enough, try shoveling, errrr, digging your car out.. Now there's a workout. Forget the gym, start shoveling! In the mean time, what would a girl like me do while the snow fell? Yup.. Sew!
Once my Sewing Mojo kicked in, it seemed as if everyone had a request.. "Hon, can you fix a button on my coat?", " Mom, can you make me a Maxi dress?", "Mom, can you make me a retro style dress?" Mom, mom, mom.... yes, yes, yes.... Then my dear son, who never asks for anything, made one request.. "Mom, can you make me my first bow tie?"... What... is that it? A bow tie? I had never done a bow tie, but it couldn't be too hard.. right? Here I thought he was going to ask me to make him a 3 piece suit. So off he went to check out some of my scrap fabric, and off I went to the drawing board.. also known as my dinning room table and researched... bow ties.. That was easy.. While he looked for something he liked, I measured his neck and drew his pattern. Now, thanks to some extra fabric, interfacing and a snow storm, my son has his first bow tie. A little funky, don't you think?
Not long ago, I was asked to sew some costumes for a play that my daughters would be in. Now, this isn't some school play, no, no, this was more like a broadway production. And once that realization set in, the nerves of corse, followed! But, not being one to shy away from responsibilities -_- I took on the assignment! And what I gleaned from this entire experience could be summed up into one word... Gratitude.
Gratitude because these plays are done yearly, and prior to this I had no idea of the amount of work that went on - from auditioning, to learning the lines, from measurements and draping to fabric choices and fittings.. Months of hard work, all done by volunteers! People like me, but who all showed a willing spirit to give whatever it took. And for that experience I am forever thankful. Thankful that I, along with my girls, could be a part of it, truly a blessing indeed!
It Starts Somewhere
As long as I can remember, I have always loved to work with my hands. Anything DIY, as long as I could imagine it, I wanted to make it. As a teenager, I decided, what better way to showcase my art and love of fashion rolled into one..., than to enter a school where that's all that's taught! Major wise... So that's what I did. And looking back now, I'm thankful that I did. This school, taught me all the basics..
And when I say basics, I mean everything from sketching to draping, from fittings on student models to an actual end of the year, runway show. Much, like these reality runway shows, but at a slower pace... In school, we were taugh from day one, on super duper fast, green metal Singer Machines, and what seemed like an even faster serger. I was always scared of it, thought I'd lose a finger.. Still am, But, ten digits later, college, marriage and kids swept into my life and sewing became a distant memory. I guess, in hindsight, it seemed as if I traded sewing for cooking, one love for another! At least, I was still using the hands... Anyway, as the kids got older and the chores evenly shared, I found, if managed right, I could have some me time... And this being true, I purchased a sewing machine, a Singer, which personally, I hated. Gone were the days of the fast metal that gave me a thrill, instead I got slow & plastic. I managed, however to make a few dresses and some skirts for my girls, but seriously... Ugh.. So I gave it to the mother in law... Haven't seen it since. Fast forward some years later and the girls are now asking for maxi dresses... But honestly, something about making your own clothing.. The feeling you get when your wearing something you've made.. I love it, It's amazing..
I decided, that this time around I was going to do it right. And thanks to the internet, I did my research, everything from brands to speed, from weight and mobility to stitches per minute . Geez, it felt like homework. As a mater of fact, in my search to find the perfect machine, I learned that slow and plastic were now replaced with computerized and fast! Not sure if makes sense, but if you sew, you know what I mean... So basically, it WAS homework! Anywho, I narrowed my search to two brands, Bernina & Janome. I cant remember what I read, (May have been the price tag on some Berninas') but I decided on the Janome Memory Craft 6600. Let me tell you, I love my work horse! I Couldn't be happier... She apparently likes me too.. Plus, I got her at a good price, and although my husband would disagree, thanks again to Google, I knew what they were going for. I also have full warranty and I can trade her up when I'm ready. Sold!!!!
So I've started this blog to Kra-ni-kel my sewing progress or lack of it. Be so kind & let me know what you think! In the meantime, here's a shot of my baby girl Jan.
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